Digital version of the final publication
Final publication entitled Cultural Identity Politics in the (Post-)Transitional
Societies (edited by Aldo Milohnić and Nada Švob-Djokić) is now available as a
PDF file. Visit Research Studies section of this website and download your free
copy of the publication.
Conference report
A short report from the conference written by Jaka Primorac as well as several photos are now available in the website section Conference.
Conference on January 15-16th 2011
The conference Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-definig Cultural Identities in SEE will take place in Ljubljana on January 15-16, 2011.
Programme of the conference ()
B&H Searching for Lost Identity
P74 Center & Gallery in Ljubljana invites to opening of the exhibition "Bosnia and Herzegovina Searching for Lost Identity" on Thursday, November 25th, at 8.00 p.m.. For more info visit the website of the P74 Center:
Invitation to take part in a project on de/territorialisation of SEE
Tihomir Topuzovski, a PhD candidate at the University of Birmingham (UK), has recently turned to us with a request to take part in his project. In the context of his PhD research project (Culture, Politics and Place), he prepared a semi-structured questionnaire for written interviews. Members of the Questioning Transitional Dynamics… project team as well as other visitors of our website are welcomed to answer Tihomir’s questionnaire.
Project description and questionnaire - download here!
Cosmopolites de tous les pays encore un effort
A photo report from unveiling of the public monument Cosmopolitans of all countries, yet another effort, on September 27, 2010 in Ljubljana (photo credit: Aldo Milohnić).
Background information:
(…) In elementary school one starts studying geography by the description of the boundaries of the Fatherland. Which are the surrounding countries, which are the natural frontiers, mountains, seasides and rivers, where these dotted lines drawn so elegantly through deserts, hills and forests run on the map. The form of one's native country is burned on the retina of every citizen: it is put on vehicles as stickers, used on banknotes, coat of arms and stamps, shown in museums or on television, used as bijou or even built as temples like the Bharat Mata Mandir in Varanasi, India. The fellows of territorial ergonomics consider this obsessive misuse of geographical data as the principal obstacle of cosmopolitan imagination.
In order to protest again the dictatorial malpractice of topography and to dismantle the idolatry of miscellaneous historico-geographical shapes, Société Réaliste has created a cognitive see-through model under the title of Jacques Derrida’s book Cosmopolites de tous les pays encore un effort / Cosmopolitans of all countries, yet another effort. The model is the result of the superimposition of the topographic forms of the 192 member-states of the United Nations. All these sovereign states were put on the same scale using only two main information: their specific shape and the location of their capital city, with the intention to produce the synthetic form of potentially any state. The result is an eroded square, the average capital city lying almost in the geometrical center of it, the chaos of the frontier lines covering nearly its entire surface. Parallelly to the calculation of the shape of a "model state", Société Réaliste started to work on a textual corpus which incorporates all the national anthems of the aforementioned 192 UN member states. Using the English translation of every anthems, Société Réaliste established a global compilation of national(ist) vocabulary. (…)
Cosmopolitans of all countries, yet another effort intends to evoke and to represent the necessary escape and excess from detention within historical forms of political domination and to remain in the same time the parody of a monument.
(From invitation to unveiling of the monument. Full text is available at: )
Société Réaliste is a Parisian cooperative created by Ferenc Gróf and Jean-Baptiste Naudy in 2004. For more information:
A photo report
A photo report from unveiling of the memorial to women who protested against Fascists violence in 1943 (the momorial was unveiled on July 8, 2010 in Ljubljana, photo credit: Aldo Milohnić).
Welcome to our web site!
The project Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-defining Cultural Identities in South Eastern Europe was launched in May 2010. We started with collecting materials for the web site which was made public in June. You are welcomed to visit our web site regularly, to check what is going on with the project, and to contribute your comments and ideas for improvement of the content. The project will last one year (until the end of April 2011).
A selection of working papers already on-line
We have recently started with exchange of written materials referential for the topic of our project. All the partners have contributed some of already existing texts and papers. They are now available for downloading from our web site or from other sites following the links (by clicking on titles listed in the section Working papers). Some more papers might be added later on, so check again Working papers section when you come back to visit our web site.